Free Tax Clinic

Kingston CPA Ontario Association Tax Preparation Clinic hosted by St. Lawrence College

 What is a free tax clinic?  

A free tax clinic is a place where eligible people can go to get their tax returns done for free.

Free tax clinics are hosted by community organizations across Canada, through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program. 

 The Innovation Hub is hosting a tax free clinic on'

April 13 and April 24, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

If you are eligible, call to make an appointment to see a volunteer at a time that suits you.

(613) 453-8679 ex. 1101

 Visit the Government of Canada website ( to learn more about the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program and eligibility requirements.

Am I eligible?

Volunteer Charted Professional Accountants preparing personal tax returns for individuals in their communities who truly need assistance.

 Personal tax preparation service is available at no charge to individuals of modest income:

Family Size Total Family Income

1 person $35,000

2 persons $45,000

3 persons $47,500

4 persons $50,000

5 or more persons $52,500 plus $2,500 for each additional person

Volunteers do not prepare complex returns, such as returns for individuals who:

·         Have self-employment income

·         Have business or rental income and expenses

·         Have capital gains or losses

·         Have employment expenses 

·         Have interest income greater than $1,000

·         File for bankruptcy

·         Are deceased within the year

Visit the Government of Canada website ( to learn more about the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program and eligibility requirements.


Innovation Hub