5 Starter Topics for Your Reflection Journal

A reflection journal can be used to help keep track of how you felt during a certain situation, or to serve as a reminder about the goals you want to achieve. If you are interested in beginning a reflection journal, which can be in whichever form you prefer, this blog post is a great place to start and topics to begin your reflection journal journey!

What Makes You Unique?

Talk about what you like most about yourself. This could be your unique skills, hobbies, or maybe you have amazing hair and want to talk about that! This is great to remind yourself of the amazing traits you have!

Who is Someone You Look up to?

If there is someone you look up to whether that is an actor, friend, or family member, talk about them! What inspires you most about them? You could talk about their education, career, and what inspires you most about them.

What are Your Hobbies?

Talk about some of your favourite hobbies. Do you like to play Minecraft? Do you draw? Are you a cook? What you love to do is an important part of your life so don’t be concerned with writing too much or too little!

What are You Grateful for in 2021?

The year unfortunately had a lot of negative things going on, like the COVID-19 Pandemic. Think about something that you are grateful for from 2021 and talk about it. This could be something like graduating, getting a tattoo, or trying something new.

How do You Encourage Yourself to Try Something New?

When you are trying something new, what are some ways that you encourage yourself? This could include words of affirmation or goal setting. Think about some positive things that you do to push yourself forward when you’re trying new things and record them in your reflection journal.

These prompts are a great way to start your reflection journal, especially if you might be struggling with writer’s block, or just are not sure what content goes into a reflection journal. Remember that a journal does not have to be written in the traditional sense, a reflection journal can be in any medium you prefer! Learn more about our five pillars at the Innovation Hub!